The Winter Solstice seems like the perfect time for regeneration, renewal, and self-reflection. My thoughts today focus on setting an intention as a way to begin anew. For many people, this time of year reminds us to consider our New Year’s resolutions.

Resolutions have gotten a bad rap in recent years because most of us struggle to really keep them. How many years have you made a resolution to lose weight only to give up on your exercise routine or diet by the end of January? Perhaps you resolved to save more and spend less, but the President Day sales were too good to pass up. Did you vow to learn a new skill or take up a new hobby only to become frustrated because it was too much money, or you couldn’t find the time? I find it discouraging to set a resolution only to feel as if I failed.

One cannot fail an intention. An intention allows us to align with our life purpose. For myself, I no longer resolve to achieve a goal; instead, I set an intention and trust that a higher power will see me through in a way that my intention becomes reality. Ask yourself, what is it that you want to manifest. What is your desire?

After naming your desire, set an intention. By articulating your intention, you are allowing your energy to focus on your desire. An intention is formed in a clear, positive sentence such as: I am loveable and loving. An intention is a resolve, a conviction, a focused purpose that is meaningful for you. By verbalizing, visualizing, and/or writing down your intention, you are planting a resolve which engages the hidden power of your deeper mind.

Intention is the factor that focuses the mind and allows a desire to materialize. “Without intention, we depend on luck and we are at the mercy of the vagaries of life” (2007, Saraswati & Stevenson). We have the power to influence and shape our destiny.

Set an intention to plant the seeds of fruition, water those seeds by way of belief, and trust that your intention will bloom beyond your imagination. When applied appropriately, the intention allows one to align with their life purpose.

Ways to set intentions:

  1. Create a ritual. Your ritual should be personal and unique to how you do things. Whatever it is, create a ritual that leaves you feeling inspired and uplifted.

  2. Be specific. For instance, “be nice to everyone I meet today.”

  3. Get creative. Ask for things that might seem like that is never going to happen and then, watch it happen. This is a great time of year to create your dream board or vision board.

  4. Allow yourself to dream. Remember the affirmation “you are worthy”! What are the things that you need to change your life that would bring you joy, peace, contentment? Ask for those things and set the intention to make them happen.

  5. Act as if. Believe that you have already manifested your desires. Feel abundance. Feel creatively inspired. Feel awakened.

  6. Let Go of all the beliefs that hold you back from living your fullest life. Trust that your “ask” will be received. I am reminded of a scene from “The Secret” in which James Arthur Ray explains that the response to one’s “ask” is always “your wish is my command.” Only we can stop that wish from happening by our own negative thoughts and beliefs.

  7. Reflect with Gratitude! Having an attitude of gratitude and knowing you are exactly where you should be in this moment is powerful and energizing. In these moments I am reminded of all the times and ways my intentions are in the process of manifesting.

Take a minute to listen to our podcast for more thoughts on intention. The podcast link can be found on our website at At RnR Therapy, we can help you in finding your desire. Insurance is not needed; and services are offered at a rate that is affordable for you. We like to say: “an investment in yourself yields the best return”. We wish you and yours a joyful holiday season and happy days always.

Saraswati, Swami Shankardev & Stevenson, J. (2007). Find your Life’s Purpose: Illuminating Your Heart’s Desire. Sankalpa. [cd]. BIG Shakti.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash